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    • #7174
      Rob Ickes

      Okay, I know this sounds impossible, but it is possible. It sounds boring, but the truth is that- if you want to become a better musician, you have to get better at “time management.” Especially if you are over 18 years old. I remember when I was a kid and I had all the time in the world…those days are long gone! I assume those days are long gone for most of you on this website. So how do you find time to practice your music?? Here are a few tips, and please share any good ones that you have!

      -Turn off your phone, devices, etc.  This is really important. Sooooo many distractions today, so many things pulling us away from our music. Turn them off while you are practicing. You need to FOCUS, and devices take away our focus. 

      – Prioritize! Obviously, if you’re here reading this, the Dobro is very important to you. But are you giving it all the time you can? I know we all have responsibilities, etc., but really try to put the Dobro up there near the top. Try it for a little bit and see if you see it makes a difference in your playing.  Just try saying “yes” to practicing (gigging, etc.) and “no” to other things (tv, Facebook, etc…). It’s a great habit to get into. I try to play as early in the day as possible because if I don’t, other things pop up later in the day and before I know it, I’ve lost that precious practice time. 

      -Don’t leave the house! I’ve realized this more lately- every time I leave the house, things always end up taking longer than I think they will. So I try to just not leave the house some days. I also try and look ahead and plan a little better. If I know my family will all be out of the house on a certain day, I use that day to really focus on music stuff and dig in deep. I know there will be no distractions and I can get a lot done.  


      -Quit your job and get divorced! This will open up lots of time in your schedule.

      -That last one was a joke…?

    • #7176
      Bob Blair

      Well right now not leaving the house except for necessary supply runs is what’s happening.  But for a number of years now I have used the early morning for practice – I just learn more.  If I wake up early I can usually get in two or three hours of serious practice time.  I couldn’t have done that when my kids were little.  One thing I’ve learned is that even with a modest gigging schedule it can come close to being a full time job.  Practicing, changing strings, messing with gear, learning new songs for singer/songwriter gigs, occasional rehearsals, and the gigs themselves eat up a lot of time.  And driving to do all the stuff of course.  And an out of town gig eats up a whole day and evening no matter where it is.  Also if a gig is going to involve multiple instruments it always seems like there is a fair bit of preparation time – it’s way too easy to forget something  and I like to make sure everything is working.  I don’t see learning new material for a gig as practicing – I usually do that later in the day if it needs to be done.

    • #7187
      Rob Ickes

      Well said Bob! Yes, earlier in the day works best for me also. And good point about all the time it takes to stay on top of things musically, keep your gear in good shape, and of course all the traveling. Sometimes when I’m on the road I think about all the hours I’ve spent in a car, van, tour bus, airplane, etc…Not a good thing to dwell on!! But I am getting better at using my time wiser, prioritizing, etc…I never get it “all” done, but prioritizing helps make sure you At least move forward in the things most important to you…

    • #8540
      Chris Kamen

      Ha ha last one would be a big help ha ha

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