The Reason for This Website

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  • Author
    • #6254
      Rob Ickes

      Hello all,

      The reason we built this website was to help you all get better, faster! I added this forum topic because we want to know what is working for you. Is there a certain video that you enjoyed? Is there a topic on the forum page that was helpful? Is there a practice technique that you’ve had success with? Is there something you’d like to see in a future video? Let us know! We want your input so we can make this website as good as possible for y’all, and help you all get better, faster! So let us know what’s working for you!


    • #6305
      Vladimir Sorokin

      Hey Rob, thanks again for making this site and all the information you share with us!

      I think the most useful feature would be the ‘Top view’ of your instrument in the future lessons. It’s not easy for the beginners to imagine what (and where, haha )) is happening when you play. Tabs are good help, but to see your hands from the top will give much more info.

      Take care,

    • #6314
      Craig Spinney

      Hi Vlad,
      Thanks for your suggestions for the site. I shoot and edit the videos and I wanted to let you know we’re going to be trying some new things when we shoot new lessons with Rob. I’ve tried the “top view” angle with Rob, and because his hands are so big, there is literally no useful information we can use from that “overhead” angle, his hands cover too much of the bar and fretboard. However, we’re going to try shooting with angles from Rob’s view of the guitar. We are hopeful that we can capture his view of the instrument with multiple simultaneous angles of both hands and fretboard, to provide as much useful visual information as possible. Please continue to let us know your thoughts as we are trying to give members the highest quality learning tools possible.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Craig Spinney.
    • #6323
      Todd Borger

      I have enjoyed the “course” structure of the lessons. Given the number of individual lessons available it is really helpful to have them grouped together and ordered the way you have done. It also helps in giving me a smaller goal to reach. In fact, any kind of small grouping into 5-10 lessons would help establish short goals for us to check off.
      I finished the basic course and am working on the fretboard knowledge course now.

      I also like the fairly prompt feedback to posts placed here. Is there a forum for sending brief videos to Rob for quick feedback? If there are habits I need to fix or something I missing, it would be good to hear. I don’t want to bombard him with personal messages, but I also don’t want to post silly questions publicly for everyone else to see.

    • #6324
      Craig Spinney

      Hi Todd,

      Thanks for your feedback. I’m glad the courses are working for you. Rob and I are going to discuss creating more. I like structure as well and completing a course gives me that sense of satisfaction…that I’m improving on my instrument.

      As far as submitting directly to Rob, that’s why we created the “Ask Rob” section. You can drop a link to a video in the submissions forum and hit the “Submit” button to see it. I know it’s not as sexy as hitting return and seeing a thumbnail, but we’re working on improving that very aspect of the website. You can also submit questions via text in the same section. As far as making public your questions, I feel that keeping the “Ask Rob” section public is vitally important.

      First, there are no silly questions when you’re working toward becoming the best musician you can be. I’ve asked a million of them and they are vital to our growth as musicians. Everyone has obstacles to growth and this instrument poses unique challenges. Keeping the questions public gives every member of Rob’s Reso Room the opportunity to share in your growth and theirs as well. Many of the members here will have the same obstacles. Sharing your unique process of understanding and overcoming those obstacles will help everyone. We all feel vulnerable when we ask a question in a classroom situation. God forbid anyone should voice an opinion online these days, someone is bound to criticize. That will not happen here. I assure you, your contributions are exactly what we want and need. We’re trying to create a safe, comfortable place to exchange ideas so that we can all rise to the highest level of musicianship. Myself included.

      I’m loving your participation in the site. It is very inspirational. Please keep it up!

      Craig Spinney

      • #6340
        Todd Borger


        Thanks for the thoughtful answer here and to Rob for all the videos he posted. That was great.

        I must be missing something, but I still do not see the “Submissions forum” for Ask Rob. Is it supposed to be on the “Ask Rob” page? Or do I just put the video into this forum here? Or my own Activity posts? I’m sure there is something simply I am missing.


    • #6339
      Luke Lindblom

      I like the courses a lot. I think a section with common licks would be super fun, specially for beginning players.

    • #7149
      David Bargainnier

      Rob and Craig,

      I just watched all three parts of the Josh Swift interview again. I watched the parts individually as they became available before. Excellent! I will watch it next time with my Dobro in my lap.

      I just wanted to highlight how helpful Josh’s Dad’s advice of “burying the metronome by playing so tight with it that you can’t hear it’ has been. I practice with the metronome almost always, but now I listen and play with even more focus.



    • #7152
      Rob Ickes

      Hi David,

      I agree with you, that quote re: “burying the metronome” was one of my big take-aways from this interview also!  Lots of good stuff in these videos, and it was a blast for Craig and I also.  Thanks for your comments!



    • #8417
      Kenneth Jeffs


      Thanks for Sycamore Hollow.  I  remember talking to you about this song a ResoSummit or two ago  about how you were getting that sound from you dobro.  I thought you were doing something up the fretboard but you said nope.

      When you asked in the email for a favorite BH tune this one came to mind immediately.  I was blown away when I found how you were really getting that sound.  As soon I head it, I felt like a dummy.  As long as I have trained over the years to listen as a musician, this one blew my away.

      I love the lesson and the site.    Is the date at the Sheldon in St. Louis this fall still on?  I guess I could check that since I live here.   Thanks again.


      • #8463
        Rob Ickes

        Good stuff Ken, such a cool song…The Sheldon show has been rescheduled for 2021, looking forward to that!

    • #8679

      Rob, your unfiltered approach really helps. Simple things like you calling a pull-off a pick-off helps to get the essence of how you approach a technique. While you may encourage us not to imitate you, we are here because we admire you. It is also inspiring to hear how you are still finding ways to improve your playing.

      Please keep bringing in guests. After the Swift interview, I broke out the metronome again and started doing some of the muted pick exercises with it. The interview with Bobby gave me the confidence to take my guitar apart and clean the cone. High fives all around. 🙂

    • #16278
      John Kuno

      1. It seems that there are at least 3 or 4 places in reso room to leave a question, and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of hard and fast rules that separate one place from another, when asking the same question. Does it really make a difference as to “where” we ask a question?
      2. With your busy schedule, how often do you look at and answer questions?
      3. If we keep checking back, and we see no answer, when can we assume that we’re not going to get an answer (as in how much time has to elapse)?
      4. It would be nice for you to include a place on site where you might write a short note as to why a question isn’t accepted, so we might learn how to submit a future question that might be accepted…

      You have a great site and I’m learning a lot!!!



    • #16377
      Rob Ickes

      Hi John, great to have you on the site! The place to ask specific questions you are wanting a video reply to is the “Ask Rob” page. I usually answer every question that is submitted. Hope this helps!

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